Upcoming Events
No other events are scheduled for the rest of 2024, but I'm open to ideas. Use the contact form to reach me with your proposals.
Previous Events
Solo Exhibitions:
- April 2024 to present - "Roll Call" @ The Old Pillsbury Mill
Springfield IL, USA (Internet Archive copy) - February 29, 2020 - Dumb Records
Springfield IL, USA (Internet Archive copy) - July 2019 - Artist-in-Residence @ Vachel Lindsay Home
Springfield IL, USA - April 15, 2017 - Radon Lounge
Springfield IL, USA
Group Exhibitions:
- June 29 to July 27, 2023 - "Gemstones" @ UIS - Visual Arts Gallery
Springfield IL, USA (Internet Archive copy & The Visualist listing) - November 2022 - "Green Friday" @ DIM Art House
Springfield IL, USA - September 2022 - "Gang of Artists" @ DIM Art House
Springfield IL, USA - September 2018 - "Art Alley II" @ 4th & Washington Streets
Springfield IL, USA - May 2018 - "BACKdoor Gallery" @ SAA Collective
Springfield IL, USA - January 2018 - "Collision" @ The Pharmacy Gallery & Art Space
Springfield IL, USA (Internet Archive copy) - September 2015 - "Art of the Other Wheel" @ The Pharmacy Gallery & Art Space
Springfield IL, USA
Jen Santarelli (b. 1974) is a self-taught abstract artist based in central Illinois. In addition to her extensive career as an award-winning web designer, her work adorns the homes of international collectors and she has showcased her artwork in numerous venues. Her first solo art show took place in the basement of Radon Lounge, and her murals at the old Pillsbury Mill and Art Alley in Springfield IL have already garnered multi-state attention. Other establishments that have exhibited her work include the Visual Arts Gallery at University of Illinois Springfield, SAA Collective, DIM Art House, The Pharmacy Gallery and Art Space, Wild Rose Artisans Boutique, the Vachel Lindsay Home, Dumb Records, and several pop-up art shows throughout central Illinois. Her artistic achievements have been featured in media outlets such as WAND TV, the Illinois Times, WICS TV, and the State Journal-Register.
"Pillsbury Mills site celebrates final days before demolition"
WAND TV, Springfield, IL, November 22, 2024 (Internet Archive copy)
"Former Pillsbury employees to gather for photograph"
Illinois Times, Springfield, IL, November 21, 2024
"Saturday's guided tours are the last scheduled"
Illinois Times, Springfield, IL, April 11, 2024 (Internet Archive copy)
"Springfield artist creates 'Roll Call', a memorial mural at ex-Pillsbury mill workers"
WICS TV, Springfield, IL, April 4, 2024 (Internet Archive copy)
"Art Alley 2018"
Downtown Springfield, Inc., September 20, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"2nd Annual Art Alley Event Celebrates Added Vibrancy To Downtown Art District"
Springfield Scene Magazine, September 17, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"The Week in Pictures"
The State-Journal Register, Sept. 17-23, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"Hybrid vigor"
Illinois Times, January 11, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"Prizewinning Photography"
Illinois Times, July 26, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"SAA Collective Opens BACKdoor Gallery"
Springfield Scene Magazine, June 9, 2018 (Internet Archive copy)
"The Radon Lounge keeps concerts on the down-low"
Illinois Times, April 13, 2017 (Internet Archive copy)
Artist Statement
I am a self-taught abstract painter who explores the subjective nature of perception by deconstructing everyday objects like maps and comic book pages. Combining my design experience with influences such as the extreme formal purity of Piet Mondrian, the double lines of Marlow Moss, and the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, I aim to reveal how simplicity and the interplay of light and dark can transform the ordinary into profound experiences.
My artistic journey began when I noticed a clear-cut shadow on a white tile floor and grew further when an 8th grade teacher revealed that geometric designs and color-block patterns could be considered art. This sparked a curiosity to uncover hidden patterns, textures, and colors that sometimes go unnoticed and I became obsessed with amplifying the contrast until they were barely recognizable. I take delight in observing the moment when viewers make connections between my abstract work and the objects they reference, leading to introspection and contemplation.
Through my art, I create portals that invite viewers to pause, reflect, and perceive the world through a new lens where each piece has a dark side and a light side. By engaging with my work, observers witness the power of art to illuminate hidden aspects of reality, cultivating curiosity and appreciation. From humble beginnings to public murals, my journey showcases the transformative ability of abstract art to transcend boundaries and awaken a deeper understanding of our surroundings.